
≪Customer-Tailored Styling≫

Find a new hairstyle that fits your facial profile.

Type 1: Narrow Facial Profile

o emphasize face-shape characteristics:

Preserve plenty of volume on top and keep the sides tight. Use a side part to emphasize face length.

◎ To de-emphasize face-shape characteristics:

Keep the sides thick, let the bangs hang down and while cutting them horizontally straight across.

Type 2: Round Facial Profile

◎ To emphasize face-shape characteristics:

Keep the bangs thick and hanging down, cutting them horizontally straight across.

◎ To de-emphasize face-shape characteristics:

Make the sides neat and trim, keep lots of volume on top, and aim for a vertically elongated silhouette while sweeping the bangs across diagonally.

Type 3: Square Facial Profile

◎ To emphasize face-shape characteristics:

Keep the bangs thick and hanging down and create a tight-hugging overall style silhouette that adheres to the customer's bone structure. Arrange the bangs in intermittent bunches (with gaps in between) for greater emphasis on face length.

◎ To de-emphasize face-shape characteristics:

Reduce volume around the crown of the head, stand the hair up on top and keep hair long near the nape.

Type 4: Inverted Triangle Facial Profile

◎ To emphasize face-shape characteristics:

Make the upper portion round, keep the sides tight, and keep the top short with plenty of volume.

◎ To de-emphasize face-shape characteristics:

Style the bangs in large bunches, and keep hair long near the nape to create a sense of movement.

Type 5: Rectangular Facial Profile

◎ To emphasize face-shape characteristics:

Create height near the front, and reduce volume on the sides while keeping a tight side profile.

◎ To de-emphasize face-shape characteristics:

Reduce volume around the crown of the head and give the hair along the sides a fuller, filled-out look. Let the bangs hang down and style them with intermittent gaps. Keep hair long near the nape to create a sense of movement.
